Violence against women in society: A Call for Action

Faris Khaliq

Violence against women is a pervasive issue that plagues societies worldwide. This article aims to shed light on this matter, examining the various forms of violence women face, its detrimental impact on society, and the urgent need to address and eliminate it. By creating awareness, fostering gender equality, and implementing comprehensive measures, we can work towards a society that respects and protects the rights and well-being of all women.

1. Forms and Prevalence of Violence Against Women:

A. Physical Violence:
Physical abuse, including domestic violence, sexual assault, female genital mutilation, and honor killings, are grave violations of women's rights. The World Health Organization estimates that one in three women has experienced physical or sexual violence in their lifetime.

B. Emotional and Psychological Violence: Psychological abuse, such as verbal insults, intimidation, control, and humiliation, can cause severe emotional distress and have long-lasting effects on women's mental and physical well-being. This form of violence is often less visible but equally damaging.

C. Economic Violence:
Financial exploitation, unequal pay, lack of job opportunities, and forced labor disproportionately affect women. Economic violence limits their independence and perpetuates gender inequality.

2. Impact on Society:

A. Human Rights Violations:
Violence against women violates their fundamental human rights, including the right to life, security, dignity, and freedom from torture and discrimination. Failure to address this issue undermines the principles of equality and justice in society.

B. Health Consequences:
Women subjected to violence suffer from various physical and mental health consequences, including injuries, sexually transmitted infections, unwanted pregnancies, depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder. This not only affects the individual but also places a burden on healthcare systems.

C. Economic and Social Costs:
Violence against women results in substantial economic and social costs. lost productivity, increased healthcare expenses, legal interventions, and rehabilitation programs. These costs not only burden the affected women but also weaken the overall development and progress of society.

3. Strategies for Addressing Violence Against Women:

A. Legal Reforms:
Strengthening legal frameworks to criminalize violence against women, ensuring swift and impartial justice, and implementing protective measures are essential steps. Laws should be enforced effectively, providing survivors with the confidence to report incidents without fear of retribution.

B. Education and Awareness:
Promoting gender equality through education and awareness campaigns can challenge societal norms that perpetuate violence against women. Comprehensive sex education programs should be introduced in schools to foster healthy relationships and respect for women's rights from an early age.

C. Support Services:
Establishing accessible and survivor-centered support services, including helplines, shelters, counseling centers, and legal aid, is crucial. These services should be adequately funded and well-coordinated to ensure victims receive the necessary support and resources.

D. Engaging Men and Boys:
Engaging men and boys as allies in ending violence against women is essential. Encouraging discussions on gender roles, toxic masculinity, and healthy relationships can contribute to changing harmful attitudes and behaviors.

It is concerning that violence against women is a grave violation of human rights that persists in societies worldwide. By addressing this issue head-on through legal reforms, education, support services, and engaging men and boys, we can create a society that values and protects the rights of women. It is our collective responsibility to work towards a future where women no longer face the threat of violence and can live their lives free from fear and discrimination.

The writer is a freelance columnist and can be reached at

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