Muhammad, the founder of Islam, is one of the most influential figures in world history. He was born in Mecca in 570 CE, he was a social and religious reformer who advocated for monotheism, equality, and social justice. His teachings and actions had a profound impact on Arabia and beyond, leading to the formation of the Islamic religion and the spread of his message throughout the world. Muhammad's early life was marked by tragedy and struggle. He lost both his parents at a young age and was raised by his uncle. As a young man, he worked as a merchant and traveled throughout the Arabian Peninsula. It was during these travels that he began to have spiritual revelations that he believed were from God. In 610 CE, at the age of 40, Muhammad experienced a powerful vision that he believed was a divine revelation. This event marked the beginning of his mission to spread the message of Islam. Over the next 23 years, he received additional revelations that were compiled into the Quran, the holy book of Islam. The life of Muhammad is defined by a legendary man that,“Read what you read the book that makes you familiar with your existence. Who should inform you about the creation of this universe and the purpose of your creation? When a person is unaware of the purpose of creation and the purpose of life, life will be wasted. The book was taught. This book was a revolutionary book. Whoever heard his words was changed. This change was a change within. Internal change is long overdue. This book was the proof of Prophethood. Who did not know how to read and write. Who had no teacher? The subject of this book was human. It offered solutions from small things to big problems. Politics, law, features of the state, rights of citizens, family, and social golden rules were listed. An uneducated (Ami) was lecturing on the creation of man and the universe, history, civilization, trade, and economy. Consciousness was being transferred, workers were being trained. These were not the words of a philosopher, these words and slogans were not only adorning the book, but in the field, in the practical field, every follower of the book was becoming a practical example. In the book, there was not only the concept of a state and the rules and principles, but everyone was struggling in a sophisticated practical way and this state was also built in his life.” Muhammad's teachings emphasized the importance of monotheism and the oneness of God. He also taught that all people should be treated with respect and dignity, regardless of their social status, race, or religion. His message of social justice and equality for all was particularly powerful in a society that was marked by tribalism and inequality. Today, Islam is one of the world's largest religions, with over 1.8 billion followers worldwide. Muslims around the world view Muhammad as the final prophet of God and the foremost example of how to live a righteous and just life. His teachings continue to inspire people of all backgrounds, and his legacy has had a profound impact on the world.
“12 Rabi-ul-Awal Friday” the rising and death of our last Prophet Muhammad