According to Islam, orphans are those children who are left with no protection because their parents have passed away. Many orphans have no source of income or a guardian to cogitate for them. In surah Baqarah verse 83 Allah says about orphans and their rights. Orphans should get their complete rights from their father's and mothers' pelt. But if we see in our country or society no one is cogitating of them, their people are their debasers. Also, no one is concerting their afflictions and they are absent in everything rather they are absent in their rights because of their people. No one thinks about them and they are going backward in every item. Such as, in education regard, they are back, to being civilized, and many other things in their lives. If we consider other countries and societies, they exceed their countries in this regard but we are laggard in such items. Also our society and country are not antecessors. It should be in your mind that when we abandon an orphan head for being successful in their life we give good prayers to him or her that they will pray for us then their prayers will be betrayed for us also their invocation will help us, on the other hand, if we disappoint them then their execration will accurate our lives. Because they don't have any protection for themselves in their lives, consequently Allah told in the Qur'an to help the orphans. An orphan can be more aggro than a child whose parents are alive merely because they need our encouragement in their lives. It should be considered that if we give them opportunities they will take them seriously because he or they will think that I am friendless and I have to go afore, no one will help me. Education is the basic need of a person in his or her life but orphans are backward in this regard because they don't have any helper to help them. But in our society in place of helping they make the orphans their dependent because they merely think that orphans don't have the right to go ahead. So, everyone should be advertent of the orphans and should give them their rights.