Street crimes in Pakistan

The years crimes have been getting more violent and more common. Gangs have always been involved in some type of oriminal activity since being created, has gotten worst over time and had hurt society in one way or another' All gangs have a history of crime behind them.while gangs have become groups that hold on to what society has moved on from others. On the other hand ,involue all crime that cause much dustruction to everyone. These crimes are including murder, rape robbery and in a 2011 in police department there was a total of 110 homiicides that hold up of 68 percent males out of the same total,the majority of victims were between the age of 17-34.compring this total to the previous years which had about 102 homicides and in 2009 which had two less crime no decrease as seen with the amount of crime that occurred in 2009, there was a decrease in the amount of crime but there was an increase of approximateg 35.5 percent in 2011, in other words the amount of violent crime that is happening every year in Karachi city, is fluctuating. This fluctuation is happening between 30,000 and 23, 000 crimes per year.looking into the next two years it seemed that the amount of crime would stay well above the 30, 000 but that was not the case in 2015 there was a decrease from 31,729 in 2012 to 30,171 in 2013 and finally further 2015 to 27,887...


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