Sadly, Balochistan has failed to recognise the emergency it faces with respect to out-of-school children. The situation persists in remaining dismal in the province and bring efforts made by the Province government to improve education in Balochistan. It has been confronting manifold deep-rooted issues but yet most of these circumstances remain unsolved and still so. Pakistan has the second highest number of out-of-school children, falling second to the country like Nigeria. More than 1.9 million children including 927,542 male and 984,128 female are out of schools in Balochistan out of 2.7 million. Compare to that 57% are out of schools, followed by 52% in Sindh and 40% in Punjab. KPK has the minimum percentage of out of school children with 34%. The ratio of out of school children in the country is 44%. The state of education in Balochistan is absolutely pathetic.
The incumbent government has also made an effort to bring in more qualified teachers. While the Balochistan Education department has decided to launch school admission campaign across the province with the support of UNICEF education support and ARC while meeting with parents and seminars on cluster level would be held. Despite earnest attempts to fix what it sees as a flawed system, the Balochistan government’s battle against entrenched nepotism and a basic lack of infrastructure will be laborious and difficult, rendering the process to find and train good teachers equally fraught but the first step has been taken, and Balochistan is definitely on its way.
Recently, National Commission for Human Development in collaboration with the Balochistan education department is launching an enrolment campaign titled all Children in School 2018.
In the same way, the education emergency in Balochistan is not only about school enrollment. It is much graver than that many children attending school are unable to read a sentence in any language or do basic mathematics even in secondary school.
One of the major reasons behind these out of schools children is lack of safe education in Balochistan. Dispute out-of-school children issue, the other reasons for our weak educational system is that the teachers having no Knowledge of the subject get a job in schools that are operating without any standard procedural code. The System of recruiting teachers should be ended and a new system to recruit teachers should be introduced.
It is really high time it changed and more budgetary funds allocated towards education. Schooling must be accessible to all. Balochistan cannot go too far if it continues to raise an intellectually poor people. Perhaps it is the scale of the challenge in the province that has made the education authorities feel helpless but the larger picture is more terrifying as childhood gives way to an unlettered adulthood.
The government urged parents to make sure that any children may not stay out of school. The development goals could not be achieved without the help of parents.
Hammal Zahid