Kashmir's day


Kashmir Solidarity day always marked an impact on the liberation movement by giving it fresh energy on Feb 5. We appeal the international community, especially the United Nations, to step forward and help us liberate the people of IOJK. Otherwise, it would be too late. An entire people will be disenfranchised, dispossessed, displaced and destroyed. On this occasion whole country of Pakistan and people residing in other countries pay tribute to Kashmiri people for their struggle in Indian occupied Kashmir. Independence is the fundamental right of any person or nation. This right of independence cannot be snatched by any nation. The struggle of Kashmir people may seem to be long but the day is not far when Kashmiri will be able to breathe in their independent homeland.

For their part, Kashmiris have vowed that they would win freedom and self-determination, as promised to them by the United Nations, under any circumstances.

Who have been facing illegal Indian occupation and gross human right violation by Indian occupational forces from last 75 years. India has the part of the internationally acknowledged disputed state of Jammu and Kashmir against the aspirations wishes of the people of the state. Kashmir solidarity day is a national holiday. On this day Pakistani masses stands in solidarity with Kashmir and condemn Indian violation of human rights in valley of Kashmir. The main objective of celebrating this day is to strengthen unity with Kashmiri people. On this day we mark our political, moral and diplomatic support to the courageous struggle of our Kashmiri brother and sisters to achieve their legitimate right of self-determination. And we show the world that Kashmiris are not alone in their indigenous and legitimate struggle for right of self-determination. Pakistan will continue its support until the right of self-determination is attained by Kashmiris.

During the day people from various walk of life participate in rallies, protest, seminars and walks to reiterate their support with Kashmiris and to draw the world attention that how Indian forces are engaged in horrific atrocities and massacre of innocent people of Kashmir. Human chain comprising Pakistanis and Kashmiris is formed to represents unity and solidarity to reassure Kashmiris that they are not alone in their struggle for freedom.

On August 5, 2019, India abrogated article 370 and 35A of the Indian Constitution without informing or consulting Kashmiris. The occupied valley has been turned into the world largest prison. We salute unarmed but valiant Kashmiris for their resilience in the face of India’s scorched-earth policy and their resolve to resist Indian colonialism and foreign occupation.

Hammal Zahid


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